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Sunday, August 12, 2012

Moving/Column Orbs

As an investigators we don't get excited about orbs as so many are nothing more than dust on the lens, small bugs, the camera strap, etc. But moving orbs also known as column orbs do excite us. The things listed above do not cause this type of effect on film or digital. This is energy in motion.

While sitting on my balcony one night my pug started getting a little antsy. Pugs are suppose to be very tuned into the paranormal, mine definately is and there is actually a web site about this. Dr. Brandy Stark has contacted me to talk to her about this but I have not had time to get up with her on it yet. Paranormal Pugs Anyway due to her behavior I just started randomly shooting pictures and was excited to see this amazing photos of moving orbs.

This one was shot first, there is absolutely no lighting below my balcony, not even a street light.

This one was shot about 3 seconds after the one above. Now the orbs are moving in a different direction.